We're kind of a big deal...
The article is here for those who want to read it!
Ten years, one deployment, 455 days left and...now what? Just lookin for someone to play the game with me now.
I think there is a danger in the people on Capitol Hill starting to embrace this movement, especially now that we know that the American Nazi Party and the American Communist Party are also starting to align themselves with this Occupy movement,You see: The people are part of occupy Wall Street. Communists and Nazis are part of occupy Wall Street. Therefore, all people involved are Communists or Nazis.
When you talk to somebody with the Tea Party, they can tell you what they want -- limited government that’s constitutionally mandated, fiscal responsibility, they also want to see our free market and free enterprise systems adhered to, as well as our national securityNeither of these is true. Just because some bad elements have aligned themselves w/ OWS, that does not negate the possibility that OWS has valid interests. Also, just because their demands don't fit on a bumper sticker (Taxed Enough Already) doesn't mean their demands aren't just.
I'm going to be laying out over the next three days... we're going to be focused on initially the energy industry in this country and making a America again independent, and clearly the place where domestic energy needs to be produced from.My question is...where does this convoluted speech come from? This is the same cadence and language and total lack of substance that characterizes Sara Palin's speech. "Making America...clearly the place where domestic energy needs to be produced from." WTF? I really hope that he not only loses the primary, but that Texas re-thinks their love affair with him. If I end out at UT, I'd much rather Kay Bailey or ANYONE else be Governor there.
I don't have much time...but I was wondering what your opinion was on the Cain interview where he was asked about his lack of participation in the civil rights movement. Was it a fair question? Is it a fair position? I feel it parallels quite nicely (or, should I say, quite poorly) the position of some gays today--let others do the work so that once the work is done you can simply step through the doorway they've opened and pursue other agendas.
This isn't to say that I feel that gays or African Americans OWE anything to the democratic party--politics is not family and once a political position is achieved (in this case equality) it is perfectly OK to say thank you and move on to another political aim while not being beholden to the party or people who achieved the first.
But, to drive home the comparison, when I look at groups like GOProud and the Log Cabin Republicans, it's hard not to see them as opportunists who see more personal value in integration with the "oppressors" (in the case of Cain the white majority and in the case of LGBT individuals, the party that has made it a longtime agenda to deny them rights) over the long term than short term fighting for their own rights (and, thus, the rights of their children and others who are similarly oppressed).
Is it a valid position to take? To say that while a group is oppressed, and you are part of that group, you personally feel other issues are more important?
I ask not in an accusatory tone, but because it's something I've considered often within my own networks and did not see coming re. Cain. But it has come up now, and it cannot be ignored.
(that was longer than expected and will eventually be a blog post, I'm sure. I've also been thinking long about your progressivism post and am still formulating a response. I want to write something thoughtful without being combative, but it's difficult considering the issue. Unfortunately over text, often passion translates as anger)
Sergeant first class guerrieri and his wife christine have two children: Princess and ligaya.
Sergeant first class guerrieri is commended for his outstanding service to the nation, culminating with his assignment as battalion s3 operations plans nco, 97th military police battalion, united states army garrison, fort riley, kansas.
The guerrieri family will retire in junction city, kansas where he plans to enjoy more time with his family and enjoy the retired life.
Today, sergeant first class guerrieri is receiving is receiving the meritorious service medal, the department of the army certificate of retirement and a certificate of appreciation.
By order of the secretary of the army, sergeant first class bradley jay guerrieri, having qualified for retirement, is released from active duty and placed on the retired list.
His wife christine, though not in attendance, will receive the department of the army certificate of appreciation and a single red rose for her dedication to her husband and the nation.