Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Italian Brother

I just emailed my old exchange student Alessandro, from Italy. He's a great kid and we are really close now...which is funny because we weren't so close when he lived with me. But, I guess that's what real siblings are like anyway. So, I told him I was moving to Texas and his response made me laugh. You see, when he got to the states, he flew into Georgia and drove to California with his original sponsor family (long story). He commented that every had signs "Welcome to Georgia!" etc. other than Texas, which had "Don't Mess With Texas." So I thought he'd find it funny I was now destined for Texas myself. He replied with the following:

it's nice to have somebody i can call brother...don't you think? Well, brother, be careful with those texanians (?), hope they are not all like your know i love politics...


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