Wednesday, September 08, 2010

So I'm sitting at work and spent the first hour or so reading my blogs and otherwise messing around online (I wasn't totally shamming, everyone was, we were waiting for the teacher). So, following is the list of interesting things I've read as well as my thoughts about them:
1. Philosophy is Dead. So says Stephen Hawking. I'm not sure I agree with that statement, but he is much smarter than I. What I know I DON'T agree with is the following response from Marylin Robinson:
...this approach to science excludes "the whole enterprise of metaphysical thought", despite metaphysical reflection being a defining characteristic of the human experience.
That idea kind of goes against my strongly held belief that just because people have done or thought something, or some way, forever is NOT a reason to keep doing it as such. There may be some wisdom to it, but there may also be some, possibly even more, in utterly rejecting it.

2. More reason to legalize marijuana: It's NOT a gateway drug.

3. I don't think I have to state unquivically that it's immoral to execute someone who is mentally retarded. Boarderline retarded? Also immoral. This case illustrates why the death penalty is faulty to the point of being immoral on its own. Read about Teresa Lewis.

4. This one bothers me the most. Politics have trumped service in the Senate and the White House. The Judiciary is in crisis because Obama didn't appoint fast enough and because Republicans stalled just to stall. Senator McConnell specifically said he was holding some nominations not because of any issue with the nominee, but to punish Obama for his votes as a Senator. Justice is delayed, our system of public service is broken, the politics are driving this failure. Read about why it won't be fixed here--Obama left Largely Helpless


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