calls to repeal DADT!!!
People often say no one can make a difference. Especially celebrities. Celebrities are all worthless, mindless, uneducated blow-hards, right?
Not always. If you know me, you know I've been a fan of Lady GaGa since I first hated her (when I first saw Poker Face and thought, "wow, what a talentless, pop-culture, 15 min wannabe hack!") I moved on from there as I grew to love our Lady GaGa power-hours in Iraq when we'd play The Fame and people would come to the S2 shop to listen, dance like we were drunk and otherwise pretend we were elsewhere.
Lady GaGa has been outspoken about her support for the LGBT community for a long time. She said so at last year's VMA's and this year outdid herself. Instead of bringing a date, she brought four service members no longer serving because Don't Ask/Don't Tell forbid them from doing so. Some were discharged, some voluntarily left, but all four would otherwise be serving today were it not for this law.
Some said GaGa was using them as props, just to gain attention for herself. But, soon thereafter, if one clicked on, s/he was directed not to Lady GaGa's website, but to Servicemembers Legal Defense Network with instructions to call your Senator and make your voice heard. More than words, GaGa prompted people to action.
So call. Why not? You've nothing to lose, and so many have so much to gain. Is your Senator on the fence? The lives of SO MANY servicemen and women can be changed for the better with just a phone call from you. So why not do it? Just watch Lauren and's not hard. Really...
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