Wednesday, June 02, 2010

packing my things...

There are packers in my house right now packing up all my stuff.

It's strange, and you have to do some soul searching, when you watch your things as they're carefully wrapped and packed. You feel like you have a life and a home, and then you realize that it's not the things that you've surrounded yourself with at all. Your dishes, pictures, plates, mirrors, bathroom items, hookah etc....they're all THINGS. It doesn't matter what kind of sentimental value you attach to each--who gave it to you, who used to own it, when and where you bought it.

If the truck crashes, all those things are gone, and I'm still here, just with less "stuff" about.

That being said, I still always get slightly depressed when my things are packed. It's odd to look around at thirty (ok, 29 3/4) years old and see that everything I own fits in the back of a truck. But, I do have furniture now that I really enjoy, which I didn't have before I went to Iraq--and again with the "stuff".

I'm also looking as they pack my things and realizing just how much money I've wasted on things I really don't need or use or care about. Things that I saw and thought were cool, then bought, then put in my closet.

Two things come from that:
1. I'm throwing/giving away a lot before I move to Arizona. I've specifically not had the movers pack any clothing. This way, all the clothing I take with me will have to fit in duffel bags in my truck.

2. I need to learn budgeting. There's no reason for me to have spent the kind of money I've spent on some things.

So, along with my alcohol and debauchery detox, better eating habits and increased workouts, I have to add budgeting to my list. So here's the goals when I get to Arizona:
1. no drinking (exceptions: weddings and bachelor parties)
2. stay entirely single for a while
3. eat healthier (even when it's difficult)
4. work out more often and harder (this does not necessarily mean the gym. Climbing will be huge and I'm picking up my dad's old bike).
5. budget. No more wasting money on things I don't need, no matter how awesome they seem at the time.


Anonymous Elias Madden said...

Hmm, hiring someone to pack your things is a good thing if you have lots of stuff, most especially if you have no companions to help you out.

1:01 PM  

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