Sunday, November 26, 2006

Power Curve

Here are some people and quotes from their blogs or just a note from me explaining what they are doing with their lives. I think I'm behind the power-curve.

I’ve been forced to re-think what I’m doing with myself and why and where I want to end up. This is something I usually only consider with enough seriousness to justify being happy with the status quo. But now, maybe because school kind of sucks and I’ve heard about all these amazing places my housemates have been, I really feel like I’ve been thinking ‘inside the box’ for a long time and need to break out of it. I’m just not sure how. I think a good start might be taking some kind of job outside of anything school related - I’m leaning towards being a bike mechanic at the UW bike shop. I also feel like I’d be more productive if I just scheduled more activities for myself so I won’t be able to waste time.

Living in Madison going to Grad School and writing papers about cows and fields.

I think I have found a way to get my thesis research done by following farmers around. Participant observation, it's called. God bless sociology.

She's an editor!
I just received my first press credential to attend the preview days at the LA Auto Show at the end of the month. This is only exciting because they’re called credentials and because I might get to spend a day seeing cool cars rather than writing about the fuel economy of the Ford Taurus. I might get to attend a press conference, even. However, it will mean spending a full day joined at the hip to my goofy boss. I like the guy, but he’s got this kind of fringey, frat-boy humor that just doesn’t fly. Plus, not to deride a stereotype, but he’s definitely an inch or two shorter than me, and I just can’t help …looking down on him. Har.

Anyway, it’s cool. I’m a member of the press. Not having gone to journalism school or anything, I still don’t feel like I can call myself a journalist. I’ve only worked as one for six months as of last week. But, I am an editor. That’s actually my title, and I feel proud of that.

paints (and sells) paintings like this:


He won a Rhodes it doesn't really matter he posts multiple times about video games.


San Diego's "It Girl"

The sad part is this test is only the first part of four that I need to pass in order to get my CPA. After I graduated from college, when my mind was still fresh with all the accounting knowledge from my degree, I should have buckled down and started studying to get this thing out of the way. But instead, I decided to run an active campaign for most social and popular girl at work and spent the last two years going to happy hours and dating co-workers.

But now I’m onboard with this whole serious career thing. I’m done casually dating co-workers, now I’m seriously dating one. (See how I’ve matured?) And I have been known to turn down a happy hour or two in the past weeks. (I know, my co-workers are as shocked as you are.) So now comes the time that I get serious. It’s a commitment to my career, as annoying-IT-auditor in my office always says.


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