Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I just read this on a right wing blog:
Sharpened debate is arguably helpful with respect to domestic issues, but not for the management of important foreign and military matters. The United States, an unrivaled superpower with unparalleled responsibilities for protecting the peace and defeating terrorists, is now forced to discharge those duties with its own political house in disarray. ... Denmark or Luxembourg can afford to exhibit domestic anguish and uncertainty over military policy; the United States cannot. A divided America encourages our enemies, disheartens our allies, and saps our resolve--potentially to fatal effect. What Gen. Giap of North Vietnam once said of us is even truer today: America cannot be defeated on the battlefield, but it can be defeated at home. Polarization is a force that can defeat us.

Am I the only one who thinks that last line sounds exactly like what they used to say about Vietnam? What utter bullshit. I'm so sick of people saying that by being against what we're doing we "help" the enemy.

Sorry, I realize that's a rather pointless rant and post, but I had a conversation with someone today, after three years of this bullshit war, who has apparently not read a newspaper since we declared "mission accomplished" and continues to hold to that. What the hell is wrong with these people and why do they find it so difficult to grasp reality?


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