Friday, January 14, 2011

Good Republican Thought

Finally some sanity amongst the masses!

I've been wanting to compile something like this for a while, but suddenly I feel compelled, after Krauthammer, someone I often disagree with, said something that I completely and one hundred thousand and ten percent agree with. You see, after he, Krauthammer, was on the panel to discuss Obama's speech at the memorial, Krauthammer liked it, along with two others. Rush Limbaugh wasn't having any of this and said,
They were slobbering over it for the predictable reasons. It was smart, it was articulate, it was oratorical. It was, it was all the things the educated, ruling class wants their members to be and sound like.
Krauthammer was back on Fox news and asked to react to that statement and said,
As one of the three slobberers...I find it interesting that only the ruling class wants a president who is smart articulate and oratorical in delivering a funeral oration. It's an odd and rather condescending view of what the rest of America is looking for in their president.
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!! For the first time in a while the fissures between smart and sane conservatives, with whom I often disagree but who always think through their points before speaking and have a genuine intellect to be reckoned with, finally stopped pandering to the anti-intellectual wing of their party (*ahem* Palin)! This is the same argument I've been making to anyone who would listen to it for YEARS now, so it's nice to hear someone else say it.

Another sane conservative whom I know little about other than one policy position--"Right on Crime" a conservative group that advocates for prison reform is headed by Governor Grover. He calls for re-thinking mandatory sentencing, allowing for more reform of non-violent offenders and other sane, fiscally and socially conservative methods to help end our ridiculous recidivism as well as overcrowding. Kudos to him!

If I were President, or Pelosi or Reid, prison reform is where I'd focus next. It would save states and the federal government money, it would put good people back on the streets to help stabilize neighborhoods and otherwise be win-win for all.


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