Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Had a Thought...

and it hurt...ah ha, I kid. Anyway, I was sitting the other night thinking about politics instead of doing work and I had this idea. I was thinking about the future and the upcoming elections and president and whatnot. I thought, wouldn't it be horrendous if the opposite of Reagan happened. What I mean by that is, I'm fairly confident I can say now, after talking with some people who know (such as the highest ranking hostage in the Iranian hostage crisis) that Jimmy Carter did everything he could, and did it correctly, to save the hostages, but, because of timing, Reagan got the credit. What if, after these elections, the Democrats take office.

They're not left with many options...Bush got us into what is, basically, an unwinable war. They would inherit a problem with no solution, but will stuck with the consequences (none of which can be good) of their actions. They will be blamed when (if?) Iraq delves (further) into Civil War and will be seen as "weak on terrorism" even though they didn't cause the problem, nor did they work us into this comfy spot between a rock and a hard place. They will then loose the next elections again and we will be thrust into even more Republican leadership.

In arabic, I would say, "la semah Allah" which is basically the opposite of God Willing.


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