Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Catholic Politics...

I just read this interesting letter signed by about fifty House Democrats explaining how Catholicism plays into their politics. On the one hand, it seems pretty cool that someone is finally stepping up and fighting against the monopoly of faith by the religious right...someone is trying to articulate that it is not a lack of faith that drives liberals to believe as we do, but for many of us, it is precisely because of our faith we feel as strongly as we do that the right is wrong.

On the other hand, the idea that politics and religion have fallen so low as to become this...partisin religious ideas is simply sad. I don't want to see official state letterhead claiming God drives us to do anything, be it something I agree with or not.

On another note...we were discussing ring weekend next year and who we want to come speak. Of course, I'm the only liberal, so it takes all I have to fight against getting the Governator, Bill O'Rielly or Ann Coulter, but there seemed to be some definate interest in getting Barak Obama or (believe it or not) some interest in Representative Murtha. I doubt either will come...but it would be cool. One person commented, "but he's a Democrat" and someone else replied, "Yeah...but he loves America."


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