Tuesday, February 08, 2011

er...um..Palin...Reagan's good!

Sarah Palin, always the foreign policy guru, has declared the "lamestream media" irrelevant. As always, she takes softball interviews with friendly press, and has finally done a sit-down with someone almost reputable--Christian Broadcasting Network. (As an aside, why do our Presidential hopefuls feel the need to do interviews with Christian Broadcasting Network or mega-church pastors?)

In it, she is asked a series of questions, most of which were answered in the usual incomprehensible fashion, but two in particular were both overly-absurd, and important. I find the more important a question is, the more she reverts to politico-babble. (I can hear her head now, "talking point...wait, um, Reagan, and...Obama's bad...Jesus!")

here are the two questions, with answers in block quotes:
Q: What is your opinion on the situation in Egypt?
Remember, President Reagan lived that mantra, "Trust, but verify." We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that it is a true sincere desire for freedoms. And the challenge that we have though, is how do we verify what it is that we are being told, what it is that the American public is being fed via media, via the protesters, via the government there in Egypt in order for us to really have some sound information to make wise decisions on what our position is?

Trust but verify, and try to understand is what I would hope our leaders are engaged in right now. Who’s going to fill the void? Mubarak, he’s gone, one way or the other. He is not going to be the leader of Egypt. That’s a given. So now the information needs to be gathered and understood as to who it will be that fills now the void in the government. Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood? We should not stand for that, or with that or by that. Any radical Islamists, no that is not who we should be supporting and standing by.

So we need to find out who was behind all of the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support.

Question 2: How is Obama handling the Egyptian crisis?

It’s a difficult situation. This is that 3 a.m. White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House, it seems that that call went right to the answering machine. And nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know, who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak.

I'm not real enthused about what it is that is being done on a national level from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt and in these areas that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt, but the other countries, too, where we are seeing uprisings.

We know that, now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for, so we know who it is that America will stand with. And we do not have all that information yet.

So, having read that, and imagining that she may someday be the Woman responsible for making decisions for how and when the military will be utilized, I promptly killed myself.

Wait, that's not true, I'm typing right now. But seriously...when given such an easy audience, and not being able to articulate any kind of coherent response, how can people STILL listen to this woman? It seems like the more ridiculously uneducated and uninformed she sounds, the more they like her. Is there anyone that can cull some sort of value out of the above? Is she going to claim that this was a "gotcha" interview as well? Dear Lord, make it stop!


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