Monday, January 31, 2011

small government? sure! now spy on us

So, after tackling Health Care Reform (with a symbolic repeal vote they knew would die), and now Abortion and Marriage Equality in DC, how else are Republicans tackling the debt that got them elected? Well, obviously by passing some sort of bill that falls in line with the Tea Party's "limited government" agenda, right?

Of course not! Instead, they are hoping to pass a bill which would force internet providers to maintain IP addresses and what they look at online for up to two years. Unreasonable search and seizure? I would say so...if airport scanners looked at your body, anonymously, this would look at your brain, but non-anonymously.

Imagine everything you've looked at online for the last two years, intentionally or otherwise, out of any context other than a list of websites. Now imagine someone looking at that and determining from it if you were a terrorist or not. Or, if the information is kept (yes, this is a worst case scenario), imagine if your future potential boss or someone else can look at that information?

You know what the funny part is about this? Judging by past indiscretions, it seems to me the party that wants to pass this is the same party that has had the most embarrassing public sexual faux pas over the last decade or so. If they are so insistent that our private thoughts and searches be public knowledge, maybe the upside is THEIR private thoughts and internet searches will be public knowledge as well. Hmm...could get interesting.

In any case, this should dispel (as though there were any doubt to begin with) any misconceptions that the Tea Party is anything other than a new skin on an old animal. Wait! There's a biblical saying about putting new wine in an old flask isn't there? If the Tea Party wants to be taken seriously for its small government words, then someone should speak out against these intrusive governmental actions.


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