Friday, October 29, 2010

Conservative Sanity

From The American Conservative:
A Republican House majority starting next year most likely makes Boehner and Cantor “our” spokesmen and the ones responsible for advancing “our” agenda. This is the political equivalent of getting out of a car that had just been driven into a telephone pole by a drunkard, finding a new car, and then handing the keys to the drunkard for another spin around the block in the hope that something different will happen.
The entire article is worth a read and gives a good explanation of where "Conservatives" need to go to be both relevant and beneficial again. NOV 2 will put the House back in Republican's hands, and the next two years will then show us JUST how dysfunctional a government can become. Let's just hope they don't do SO much damage that the Democrats can fix it (again) two years later. This could be the biggest thing for the D's come 2014.


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