Today in Religious Crazy...
Oh, you thought I could go a day without pinpointing the crazy around us? Well think again!
As always, Michelle Bachmann and friends come out swinging for the fences attempting to hit a grand-slam of ridiculous penning a letter claiming Obama doesn't say "God" enough. In it, the Congressional Prayer Caucus (yes, there is a publicly funded Caucus of Congressmen who focus on bringing more prayer into our lives) argue that his focus on E Pluribis Unim isn't rightly Christ Centered for our Nation and claim he is removing a "cornerstone" of our foundation. To prove this, they point to our national motto and pledge of allegiance, both of which assumed the word "God" in the fifties--apparently judicial opinions handed down in the fifties such as desegregation and equal rights are judicial activism while congress passing a law to change words reflects upon our "foundation".
And in case you were thinking, "you know...there just isn't enough Christian leadership in Texas" there is now a movement to oust the Republican House Speaker not because he's not conservative enough, but because he's Jewish. That's right folks. House Republican Strauss, who is currently the speaker, is facing an ouster because, according to John Cook, a member of the Republican Executive Committee,
Of course, to the average American, this reeks of bigotry, but Mr. Cook, like most bigots, trots out the best "I'm not a bigot" line he could think of, saying about Jews (who he is NOT bigoted against):
Well...good thing THAT's settled!
As always, Michelle Bachmann and friends come out swinging for the fences attempting to hit a grand-slam of ridiculous penning a letter claiming Obama doesn't say "God" enough. In it, the Congressional Prayer Caucus (yes, there is a publicly funded Caucus of Congressmen who focus on bringing more prayer into our lives) argue that his focus on E Pluribis Unim isn't rightly Christ Centered for our Nation and claim he is removing a "cornerstone" of our foundation. To prove this, they point to our national motto and pledge of allegiance, both of which assumed the word "God" in the fifties--apparently judicial opinions handed down in the fifties such as desegregation and equal rights are judicial activism while congress passing a law to change words reflects upon our "foundation".
And in case you were thinking, "you know...there just isn't enough Christian leadership in Texas" there is now a movement to oust the Republican House Speaker not because he's not conservative enough, but because he's Jewish. That's right folks. House Republican Strauss, who is currently the speaker, is facing an ouster because, according to John Cook, a member of the Republican Executive Committee,
I got into politics to put Christian conservatives into office. They're the people that do the best jobs over all.
Of course, to the average American, this reeks of bigotry, but Mr. Cook, like most bigots, trots out the best "I'm not a bigot" line he could think of, saying about Jews (who he is NOT bigoted against):
They're some of my best friends. I'm not bigoted at all.
Well...good thing THAT's settled!
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