Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Founder's Day...

I have taken on the task of setting up the Founder's Day tribute to fallen comrades. I didn't want to just post how people died as I felt it wasn't an adequate way to remember their lives and because it would be too depressing for what should be a happy celebration. I determined to get my hands on every Howizter (West Point's yearbook) of the years with fallen graduates, who now number 31. I got most of them and began to transcribe their cadet bios. Most were written by friends and are in the third person.

It is both uplifting and depressing. It's odd, to see their faces, younger than mine now, most of them, full of hope and futures. Their friends, all writing about the great people they were or what they would do in the future...but, I know they are now dead.

I copied Adam's with a heavy heart, having known him. I had forgotten that all he'd written was "ready to graduate". Adam, unlike me, seemed focused on becoming a leader his four years instead of enjoying the ride. I think his attitude was probably the more professional between the two of us.

The strangest thing I noticed is that, going back as far as the class of 1979, not much has changed. Bios all share the same inside jokes, happy times at the Firstie club, memories of meeting plebe year and going through the same trials. They may say "the Corps has [gone to shit]" but I seem to see a trend. The Corps hasn't done anything but stay the same, even as it changes. The Long Grey Line continues, and as for me? I'm proud to be a part of it.


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